With over 30 years wide ranging experience of health & safety risk management to draw on, we can provide a range of services and strategic assistance including boardroom briefings, training, and bespoke reviews, audits and initiatives.
About Effective Health & Safety Management Limited

Set up by Neil Molyneux in 2004, we provide experienced, professional support to clients in managing health & safety. Before this, Neil had a variety of roles in the private and public sectors and worked as an HSE Inspector. WithRead more

IOSH Leading Safely

We are an approved training provider for IOSH Leading Safely. Strong, effective leadership on health & safety has never been more important – both in terms of the very real benefits it can provide for organisations, employees and others, andRead more

Good Governance in Health & Safety

We can also provide a high level health-check, tailored boardroom briefings, workshops and training in good governance in health & safety. Important developments over recent years have underlined our long-standing view that effective health & safety management at Board levelRead more